Is the SAT Finally Going Away?
May 17, 2023
Standardized tests are something that burdens high school students every year, the SAT being one of the most dreadful. Students stress because this score could determine if they’re going to get into their dream college or not.
However… In recent years, the SAT has become less and less required. Since before the pandemic, colleges have been less likely to require the SAT due to the “part that exam scores can contribute to inequities in admissions.” Says USAtoday. The pandemic has only escalated this process, resulting in 80% of US schools making their school ‘test-optional.’
What are the benefits of schools becoming test-optional? Schools becoming test-optional allows for a more accurate representation of a student’s academic abilities. Some students, despite their academic success, are not very good test takers, which makes the SAT a false cumulation of their abilities. Not submitting your scores also means that schools can determine your admission based on if you submit or not. Removing the necessity of the SAT also removes stress for students who get caught up and get anxious over the test.
Does this mean there is any future for the SAT? If more and more schools are becoming test-optional, is there any point in having the SAT at all? The University of California voted to eliminate the SAT and ACT for California students in 2025. How soon will it be till other schools vote the same thing for their students?
On the other hand, some argue that the SAT is vital to college applications. CollegeRaptor says that “The scores on the SAT and ACT allow them to narrow down the playing field and make decisions on acceptance.” As well as makes it easier to give scholarships to students who have earned them. Inherently stating that these tests make it easier for colleges to narrow down the number of applications they receive.
In the long run, the future of the SAT is undetermined, so as the season continues, good luck and remember – chances are, the college you want to go to does not need to know if you scored a 1500 or an 800.