Origination: Library Lovers Month serves as a reminder to celebrate one of the most important and underrated places in society. Think of your favorite childhood books or characters. Countless other children; past, present, and future loved and love the same books. This cycle is fueled by libraries. They open doors, allowing people to discover literature they may not have had access to otherwise. For many years, libraries were private and typically only for the wealthy. Public b libraries were the beginning of average people gaining regular access to books.
Importance of literacy: Literacy remains crucial in society. It is necessary for comprehension, clarity, and understanding. Literacy makes it possible for people to learn and grow through reading, and that fosters connection throughout communities. Two people can be complete opposites but still love the same books. Stories can be interpreted in countless ways, and that is what makes reading a beautiful experience. The same words, the ink on the page, can feel as though it speaks to you directly.
Media Relevance: In current society, media literacy is also very important. News and media are endless, and in order to make sense of the information that is out there, people need literacy skills. While book literacy alone is important, it also gives people to learn how to interpret the other information in their grasp. Within the millions of sources that fill the internet, there will always be a certain amount tarnished with propaganda and misinformation. Knowing how to sift through facts is crucial.
Personal Significance: Sometime soon, find a book to read! Dive back into the world of literature and discover what it means to you. Find someone to share it with and continue growing and learning. Happy reading!