Valentine’s Day:a day that is known for its light hearted, romantic characteristics and celebration of love. But did you know it has quite a darker history when it comes to the origins? While historians don’t know the exact details of how this holiday came about, most of them have agreed on the same stories and theories about how Valentine’s Day was invented.
A very popular suggestion is that the holiday may have originated from the Roman festival Lupercalia.This festival ( held from the 13th to the 15th of February) was held to celebrate the coming of spring. The activities that took place at this festival were quite messy. A popular one was taking the hides of an animal soaked in its own blood and slapping the Roman women with it. Back then the Romans believed this increased fertility within the women. This was a very sexually charged holiday, as many of the men were drunk, naked (and soaked in blood), and whipping any women that were at arm’s length. Over time, the festival became frowned upon, and by the 5th century, Pope Gelasius had banned the celebration, and it is here where people believe Valentine’s Day may have taken its place.
Now in regards to the name, the Catholic Church recognizes three different Saints that were named Valentine or Valentinus, and all three men were all martyred. It was around 265 A.D. that the Roman Emperor Claudius claimed young, unmarried men make better soldiers, so he made it a law that young men cannot marry. St. Valentine did not agree with this however, and married young men and women in secret against the emperor’s wishes. Once he was found out, he was sentenced to death on February 14th. The other two however, while not as well known as this certain Saint Valentines, do contribute to the name of the holiday as well.
As the years go by, the 14th of February becomes more and more known for its rituals of love and romance. While it is not a federal/official holiday, many people still take the time to make gifts for loved ones, take their significant others out on romantic dates, and show that they care. This February, my good friend Ari had the opportunity to take someone out on a date for Valentine’s Day. I asked her a few questions about how it went, and how the overall experience treated her. When asked about who she spent the day with, she replied “I spent the day with my boyfriend Wesley. We’ve been together for almost 2 years now!” Ari then said her and Wesley’s date took place at Olive Garden, where they ate pasta and breadsticks together. “It was a really great time!” Ari stated, “I would definitely do this again with him. We both had a lot of fun and were laughing the entire time”.
Valentine’s day has evolved over the centuries into what it is today. Over time, cultural shifts and trends have molded the holiday into the lovey dovey holiday that we’ve come to know and love. Despite its commercialization, Valentine’s Day is a reminder of the love and care that people share between one another.