So many students struggle with the idea of what their life will look like after high school as there are many paths that students could take and options are limited; however, most fall under three broad categories.
A Gap Year is a less popular choice for many students, as only 3% of students per year take a gap year. It typically follows their high school graduation allowing students to take time and realize their goals and ambitions, work, and make extra money for their future college or trade school tuitions. It can provide a break from pressures caused by education. On the other hand, it can be difficult to get back on track after one takes a gap year, so weighing personal pros and cons will be very important in deciding if a gap year is the right choice.
Trade School is becoming a more popular option as students move away from the traditional high school to college track and start to explore faster ways to move into a job force. Trade school tuitions are often more affordable and lead you into more focused training for the specific trade that one strives to take. This can also function as a downfall of trade school as if goals and aspirations change the training you received may not be able to be applied to other areas that one may want to pursue instead.
College has been, and still is the most popular choice after high school for many students as it prepares them for a future in which they can go into a career of their choice with a degree that they have worked hard for. However, the cost of college can be a giant negative that students focus on, but there are many ways to reduce the price of school such as scholarships, government and college aid, and job opportunities embedded within the college programs. In weighing all the pros and cons, college has the most pros to outweigh the cons which is why college is the best option for students to take after high school.