The Ticketmaster Games
December 22, 2022
Following the exciting release of Taylor Swift’s new album, Midnights, the artist
announced her upcoming tour. Partnering with Ticketmaster, a reliable website to purchase
concert and event tickets, Swift used the ‘Verified Fan’ feature to ensure that everyone who got
selected as a Verified Fan can get tickets. However, this was not the case; long story short,
during the presale, Ticketmaster crashed, many Verified Fans did not get to buy tickets, and re-
sellers purchased tickets to re-sell for thousands of dollars. Due to this, Swift and Ticketmaster
had to cancel the general sale for tickets. Rightfully so, this angered fans who simply wanted to
see their favorite artist perform. Swift acknowledged this problem and came together to work
with Ticketmaster to create a fair solution: “The Ticketmaster Games: Taylor Swift edition.”
Taking inspiration from Suzanne Collins’ trilogy, The Hunger Games, an event will be held for
all fans. Contenders will be sent to an arena formed at every venue location. Anyone is welcome
to enter the contest, but there are not enough seats for everyone. In order to gain a ticket, fans
must fight, battle, or even kill to secure a seat. Even if you think you capture a seat, make sure to
watch your back. You are not safe until the end of the Games. The Ticketmaster Games will take
place on the day of your desired concert. Once you register, you will be sent to the arena at
midnight before the concert. The Games will run all morning and night until one hour before the
concert is supposed to start. If you were unable to fight for a seat, you will be asked to leave. If
you do not comply, the security guards have the choice to kick you out or even execute you.
Those who secured a definite seat can sit back and enjoy Swift’s performance free of charge!
Good luck!