Is PRIDE Worth Our Time?


Kendal Detwiler, Editor

QCHS has a study hall period, which they call “PRIDE”. Throughout this 30 minute period, students can be found doing multiple things like doing classwork or collaborating for extra help with teachers. Furthermore, the Pathways program uses the A day PRIDE as their “Pathways Grouping” and it consists of a group of students within their grade level. While PRIDE may be used for different things, students shared their opinion on this survey on whether we should keep PRIDE or switch up the layout. 

QCHS students are using their PRIDE period to doing multiple different things. 61.6% of students do their homework, 15.2% are working with teachers for help, 15.2% are doing nothing (including going on their phones), and the remaining 8% do other activities, according to data from participants of the survey. Following that, we asked if they found PRIDE time valuable and/or worth their time. 67% find it valuable, 24.1% use the time occasionally, 7.1% do not find the time valuable at all, and the other 1.8% are tech school kids who do not have PRIDE. 

In the survey this month, we gave students two different scenarios. These scenarios are actual schedule implementations that other schools actually use, and are successful. The first scenario we gave is combining the lunch and PRIDE period. Depending on the grades of the student would determine whether they had the entire hour for lunch or a split lunch/PRIDE. If they had a 75% or above, they get an entire hour of lunch. If they have a 74% or below, they have to meet up with their teachers to make up their work/improve their grades. The second scenario was office hours with teachers. In the last week of the month, classes are 35 minutes with the last 10 minutes of each class building up to an office hour at the end of the day. Students were prompted with the options and were selected to choose between the two, plus the option to keep PRIDE the same.

When presented with scenario one, results were surprising. 56.3% of students voted that a long lunch/PRIDE period would be beneficial, and then the remaining 43.8% responded by saying that it would not be useful. With this structure, it would take work on the students’ part to get the help from teachers. 89.3% said they would be inclined to get the extra help, and the other 10.7% would not be inclined to get that help. On the other hand, some students would not want to get the help and/or avoid it, so they would work harder in their classes to get that longer lunch period. When given that question, 39.3% would work harder, 22.3% would not, and the other 38.4% may, however it would depend on the class. 

With the second scenario, results were also a little surprising as well. 58% of students said that they would use these office hours, 22.3% would occasionally use them, and the additional 19.6% would not use these hours at all. With the first scenario, they would be forced to use that schedule every single day, however with this concept, it is optional and students would have to take the action. Because it is only one week, 44.6% would be inclined to get help, 22.3% would not, and 33% sometimes will. Accountability is also being put on the student to get the support, and 45.5% said it is better that students have accountability, 43.7% think that in some situations it is better, and 10.7% think that it is better. 

At the conclusion of the survey, students were prompted with what scenario that they would choose or if they would keep PRIDE the same. Results were incredibly surprising. 58% wanted to keep the PRIDE schedule the way that it was, 33% want the combined lunch and PRIDE period, and 8.9% want the office hour scenario. This is surprising because in the opening data, a good amount of students go on their phone and rarely use their PRIDE time. Though it may not be the best scenario, sometimes change isn’t the best in some instances.