December Students of the Month

Jake, Staff Writer

Amanda Burkey, the president of Environmental Club, a future participant in the MLK Day activities, and a member of NHS, is the senior class December Student of the Month. She currently takes AP Government, Anatomy, Honors Calculus, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, AP English Literature, and is a field study for both Mrs. Hoffman and Mrs. Hardy. She cites her connections with her teachers as her favorite part about being a senior, noting that she can now form more personalized bonds than previous years due to her age and maturity. Their help, Amanda claims, has prepared her for the college experience quickly approaching as well as her career in the future. Amanda looks forward to attending a four-year university (most likely Lycoming) to pursue a future in forensic pathology, which requires a doctorate. She finds the close-knit community in school to be her favorite part of the district and the town as a whole. With her time at Tohickon Valley and Milford, Amanda appreciates the smaller schools and her ability to get to know people on a much closer scale. Good luck to Amanda on her college search and her future in the science field!

Christopher Knight, granted a work release by the school and working at the Piazza Subaru dealership, is the junior class December Student of the Month. His exceptional work in the automotive class at the Upper Bucks Technical School granted him the ability to pursue his interests early and get a head start on his favored career path. Chris currently takes English 11, Probability and Statistics, Intro to Chemistry, Intro to Physics, and American History coupled with his automotive classes at the Tech School. He enjoys his teachers this year but mentions that his experiences at Piazza Subaru have surpassed his expectations coming into the school year. Chris, having wanted to become a mechanic for years, is thankful for his selection for a work release and appreciates his head start on his future. He anticipates getting ahead of others his age looking to enter the auto industry and hopes to understand the craft further before entering the workforce full-time. He hopes to become a master technician at Piazza in the future, working at cars at the highest level possible. Currently, he is applying for and participating in local mechanic competitions to test his skill. Chris, within Quakertown, appreciates the smaller community here and his close connections to others. We wish Chris good luck with his efforts at Piazza and his future down the line in the auto industry!

Thomas Kozlusky, a member of the Sophomore class council and a future participant in the MLK Day volunteering activities, is the sophomore class December Student of the Month. He plays baseball in the spring for Coach Pallone and the Panthers and also plays club basketball outside of school. He currently takes AP Seminar, AP World History, Honors Precalculus, Honors English, Honors Chemistry, Spanish 4 Honors, and Health. He enjoys AP Seminar in particular, pointing out its difficult yet unusual structure compared to his other courses. He believes the very specific skills he has learned in the course will put him at an advantage for future assignments in other subjects. Thomas looks forward to playing baseball past high school, stating that he will inevitably end up at a school playing baseball and the ability to play will influence his decision on a school. Although not certain on which particular job yet, Thomas hopes to pursue engineering. He mentioned the countless club and sport opportunities as his favorite part of Quakertown. Other schools, Thomas states, are not as fortunate with their selection of activities and their available resources to commit to clubs.

Kayla Sicher, a basketball and volleyball player, is the freshman class December Student of the Month. She currently takes AP Human Geography, Algebra 2 Honors, Honors Biology, Intro to English, and Spanish 2. She has commended her teachers for their help in adjusting to high school and all of its changes. With their help, she has learned load management and how to simultaneously handle sports and school responsibilities. She most enjoys the engineering classes in high school, describing how much more specialized they are compared to those in middle school. Kayla hopes to pursue engineering in some capacity in her future, not knowing what school she wants to attend or what career she wants to follow. She most enjoys Quakertown students’ ability to specialize, and the fact that students with particular interests can focus especially on their passions.